Johanna Janhonen’s CV
Meet the lady behind Hidden treasure
MSc Johanna Janhonen is social media consultant and a trainer, a blogger, a columnist, an event producer and the most active paid Wikipedian in Finland.
Hidden treasure – Piilotettu aarre is a Finnish company with a very long name. (As you probably guessed, Piilotettu aarre is Hidden treasure in Finnish). It was founded in 2010 by Mrs Janhonen and is offering trainings, workshops and consultation for companies, cities and other organizations as well as personal brands.
The company is most well known of two things, CMAD and Wikipedia.
CMAD is short for Community Manager Appreaciation Day, thanks for the idea, Jeremiah Owyang! The seminar has arrenged every January since 2012. CMAD seminar is meant for Finnish community managers and other social media professionals.
What about Wikipedia then?
While Johanna was working at Nokia she was acting as a main user of an internal wiki. It was not a Wikipedia but a project wiki storing all the important information R&D projects needed to operate.
In 2009 she created a Wikipedia account and the following year she started to create content for her customers after visiting Wikimania in Gdansk. She creates content in Finnish.
She is also active in Wikimedia movement – she was the member of board in Wikimedia Finland for 3 years and was leading the volunteers in her social media team creating content for Wikimania Stockholm in 2019.

Johanna´s social media profiles:
LinkedIn, Twitter , Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Wikipedia
Some highlights of Johanna Janhonen’s career
- As a teen Johanna studied several languages in the school and high school: Finnish (Moikka!), English (Hello!), Swedish (Tjänare!), German (Hallo!) and French (Salut! Comment ça va?).
- Before university, Johanna studied international marketing for 2 years in Salo. During her studies she worked 7 weeks in Arles, France.
- After that she studied four years in Tampere university. Her major was Statistics but she studies also programming, journalism and multimedia. She is a MSc, Master of Science.
- She worked eleven years in Nokia (1998–2009). She was e.g. giving trainings, arranging workshops, creating processes and measuring targets with metrics. And she learnt to love social media tools like wikis and blogs! One of the most memorable times in Nokia was 10 weeks she was working in Tokyo. Kawaii! Would love to go back some day!
- After Nokia she worked as wiki consultant, social media consultant, social media researcher in Tampere technical university. Her trademark hat is a souvenir from Graz, Austria, where she was doing case hunting for the research project for 7 weeks.
- Johanna is a miniaturist and because of that she created Mini treasures wiki which is the biggest site of dollhouse miniatures in the world and Nukkekotiwiki, the Finnish version of the dollhouse wiki. Together with her dollhouse friends she has also published a book about the hobby.